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Get Rid of Phlegm, Mucus and Congestion

When excess phlegm accumulates in the respiratory tract, it causes throat congestion and stuffs up your nose and sinuses. Mucus-Clear products offer fast and effective relief. Whether your body is over-producing mucus due to seasonal allergies, a bacterial infection, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, the common cold or flu.

Using natural ingredients and trusted homeopathic remedies, Mucus-Clear works to thin mucus and clear your throat, nose and sinuses. Post-nasal drip, runny nose, sore throat and throat congestion make it hard to get a good night’s sleep. By clearing mucus from the body, Mucus-Clear relieves nasal congestion and helps you sleep more comfortably.

Home remedies like eating spicy foods, taking a tablespoon of honey, sipping hot water or tea, and diffusing essential oils may offer a little relief. Most people find they need a more effective solution to loosen mucus, relieve stuffy nose and clear clogged sinus cavities.

When you need to reduce mucus and break up phlegm, the best solution is to drink plenty of fluids and support your respiratory health with our safe, non-drowsy Mucus-Clear formulas.

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