April | Wholesale Specialist
April, our wholesale order orchestrator, has a keen eye for detail and is dedicated to preparing, packing, and shipping wholesale orders. She takes immense pride in creating clean, secure, and neat packages, ensuring every product reaches its destination safe and sound. Beyond the warehouse, April's heart beats for the wild. She works at the local humane society, offering her additional time and love to furry companions. Whether it's walking through nature's embrace, observing birds, deer, turkeys, and other wildlife from her patio door, or appreciating the everchanging seasons of Wisconsin, April finds joy and peace in the outdoors. At home, her sons keep her life vibrant, reminding her of the simple wonders that truly matter.
Astrology Sign: Pisces
Spirit Animal: I would say a dog! While dogs bring countless moments of happiness, their true gift lies within the lessons they teach - learning patience, finding calm, and loving unconditionally.
Personal Mantra: "Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still."
Favorite Remedy: (hold)
Why I LOVE Native Remedies: Since I have been a part of the team, people have seen potential in me that I didn't previously see. Without probably knowing it, they have encouraged me to see potential in myself. This is a caring company that looks out for its employees, supporting and listening to each one of us. They are continuously working to become better for not only the customers but for the employees as well.
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