Native Remedies® ZenFocus ComboPack

Achieve stress relief, sharpen focus, and conquer your day with PureCalm™ & Focus Formula™.


ZenFocus ComboPack: Natural Support for Calmness and Focus

Introducing ZenFocus ComboPack, your all-in-one solution for conquering stress and enhancing focus. This powerful duo combines the targeted benefits of PureCalm™ and Focus Formula™, designed to support your cognitive wellness throughout the day.

How Our ZenFocus ComboPack Enhances Your Daily Life

Stress Relief: PureCalm™ is your herbal companion for promoting calm, relaxed moods and maintaining a positive outlook. Whether managing busy schedules, tackling everyday worries, or facing moments of pressure and stress, PureCalm™ soothes nerves and fosters feelings of calmness, helping you stay composed and centered.

Sharper Focus: Unlock your cognitive potential with Focus Formula™, designed to improve concentration and mental clarity. This herbal supplement supports a balanced mood, aiding healthy attention spans, keeping you on task, and enhancing memory function and information retention, vital for success in work, school, and beyond.

Ideal for Work, School, and Everyday Life: Whether you’re preparing for a big presentation, studying for exams, or managing a hectic schedule, ZenFocus ComboPack provides the support you need to thrive. Stay calm under pressure and maintain sharp focus throughout your day, achieving your goals with confidence and clarity.

Holistic Relief: At Native Remedies, we believe in the power of nature to nurture your mind and body. ZenFocus ComboPack embodies our commitment to holistic wellness, offering natural solutions for stress and focus, without the side effects of synthetic alternatives.

Our Commitment to Natural Medicine

At Native Remedies, we believe in the power of nature to support your well-being. ZenFocus ComboPack is crafted from high-quality herbal ingredients, formulated to support your cognitive function without relying on harsh chemicals.

Unlock Your Inner Balance

ZenFocus ComboPack is more than just stress relief and focus enhancement; it’s an invitation to unlock your full cognitive potential. By combining the calming properties of PureCalm™ with the sharpening effects of Focus Formula™, this combo empowers you to achieve peak mental clarity and perform at your best.

Disclaimer: These product descriptions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any herbal supplements.

What are the Ingredients?

PureCalm™ is a 100% herbal formula and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage: Lavender, Lemon balm, Passion flower.

  • Lemon Balm: Has long been favored for use in all complaints that were supposed to “proceed from a disorders state of the nervous system.” It is used for anxiety, stress, insomnia, dyssomnia, and restlessness. Lemon balm is used for psychological conditions, including hysteria and melancholia.
  • Certified Organic Lavender Flower: A well-known herb that is found in countries all over the world. Lavender contains active ingredients such as tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, triterpenoids, and volatile oil. It is best known for its soothing properties and as a tonic to support the nervous system. Orally, lavender is used for various psychological conditions, including anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and nervousness.
  • Wild Crafted Passion Flower Herb: Very highly regarded by traditional herbalists for its soothing properties and support of the nervous system. Passion flower is used for insomnia, anxiety, and adjustment disorders with anxious mood. It is also used orally for preoperative anxiety and sedation.
  • Inactive Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, deionized water.

Focus Formula™ is a 100% herbal formula and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage: Ginkgo biloba, Chamomile, Skullcap, Gotu kola, Oat Seed, Nettle, and Rooibos.

  • Wild Harvested Ginkgo Leaf (Ginkgo biloba): Has a rich folk history for treating poor circulation. Ginkgo leaf is also used orally for conditions associated with cerebral vascular insufficiency, especially in the elderly, including memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and mood disturbances. Active ingredients include flavone glycosides (including ginkgolide), bioflavins, sitosterol, lactones, and anthocyanin.
  • Organic Chamomile Flower: Traditionally used to help relieve occasional simple nervous tension. This herb helps to gently soothe and lessen frustration caused by common everyday overwork and fatigue. Active ingredients include volatile oil, flavonoids, valerianic acid, coumarins, tannins, salicylates and cyanogenic glycosides.
  • Organic Skullcap Herb: Traditionally used to support nervous system health. It helps to support the natural equilibrium normally present in the mind and contributes to the maintenance of a healthy attitude. Active ingredients include flavonoids, tannins, bitter, volatile oil and minerals.
  • Organic Gotu Kola Herb: Found wild in moist areas throughout Africa and Asia. This herb is traditionally used to support a healthy brain and nervous system. Centella asiatica is recommended to support brain functions such as mental clarity and a healthy memory, as well as to maintain a balanced mood.
  • Organic Fresh Wild Oat Seed: A general tonic traditionally used in folk medicine, as well as in modern herbalism. Avena sativa is invaluable in supporting the nervous system. Active ingredients include saponins, flavonoids, minerals, alkaloids, steroidal compounds, and vitamins B1, B2, D and E.
  • Organic Nettle Leaf: Used both traditionally and in modern herbalism to maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range. Urtica urens also helps to maintain the good disposition of the circulatory system in a healthy body. Active ingredients are histamine, formic acid, acetylcholine (important in maintaining healthy memory functioning), glucoquinones, minerals, vitamins A, B and C, and tannins.
  • Rooibos Herb: Contains magnesium, zinc and iron, all of which assist in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Zinc and iron, in particular, support natural systemic balance in the brain, promoting standard consistency and normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Inactive Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, deionized water, raspberry and mixed berry natural flavors.

How do I use ZenFocus ComboPack?


Dilute drops in a small amount of water or juice and sip slowly. Alternatively, drop directly into the mouth with dropper.

Adults & Children 15+: Take 0.50 mL 3 times daily.
Children Under 10-14: Take 0.25 mL 3 times daily after meals.
For Children 6-9: Take 1 drop per year of age.
For Children 3-6: We recommended taking Triple Complex Calm Tonic™.

Caution: If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a health professional before use. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care professional. Keep out of reach of children.

Note: For ongoing support, it is recommended that PureCalm™ be used concurrently with MindSoothe™ Drops or Veggie Caps.

How long until I see results?

Natural remedies strive to create holistic balance in the body to support systemic health. The natural ingredients in our remedies support overall health and functioning.

People respond to natural remedies in different ways. To ensure you receive optimum results it is important to take natural remedies as directed and remain consistent. You may also find that a smaller maintenance amount is beneficial for ongoing support. Many customers report taking a regular maintenance amount as part of a program for continued health and well-being.

How long will a bottle last?

One 59 mL bottle of PureCalm™ at full adult dosage (0.50 mL 3 times daily) will last approximately 39 days. For children under the age of 15, one bottle will last longer, as fewer drops are used daily.

Focus Formula™

Dilute drops in a small amount of water or juice and sip slowly. Alternatively, drop directly into the mouth with dropper.

Adults & Children 15+: Take 0.50 mL 3 times daily after meals.
Children Under 10-14: Take 0.25 mL 3 times daily after meals.
For Children 3-9: Take 1 drop per year of age 3 times daily after meals.

Note: For ongoing support, it is recommended that Focus Formula™ is used concurrently with BrightSpark™.

Caution: If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a health care professional before use. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare professional. Not recommended for people with a known sensitivity to plants of the Asteraceae family. Keep this and all medicines from the reach of children.

How long until I see results?

Natural remedies strive to create holistic balance in the body to support systemic health. The natural ingredients in our remedies support overall health and functioning.

People respond to natural remedies in different ways depending on their individual makeup, lifestyle, and diet. To ensure you receive optimum results it is important to take natural remedies as directed and remain consistent. You may also find that a smaller maintenance amount is beneficial for ongoing support. Many customers report taking a regular maintenance amount as part of a program for continued health and well-being.

How long until I see results?

One 59 mL bottle of Focus Formula™ at full adult dosage (0.50 mL 3 times daily) will last approximately 39 days. For children under the age of 15, one bottle will last longer, as fewer drops are used daily.

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