Information on gastriti symptoms - pain and inflammation of the stomach lining.
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What is Gastritis?
Gastritis is a condition that involves the irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining, afflicting millions of people. Any number of things can cause gastritis, from injury to bacterial infection. Chronic gastritis may be associated with an autoimmune condition, such as anemia or hypothyroidism, kidney or liver disease - but is usually a common, acute condition associated with stress.
A person suffering from gastritis may experience:
- Burning pain similar to indigestion in the upper abdomen
- Nausea (that may or may not be accompanied by vomiting)
- Loss of appetite
- Belching or stomach bloating with or without gas
- Particular "fullness" in your upper abdominal area after a meal
- Unexplained weight loss
Gastritis shares many symptoms with other digestive disorders such as heartburn, stomach flu and stomach ulcers.
As some gastritis sufferers suffer additional symptoms brought about by stomach bleeding (that can cause you to vomit blood or to have black, tarry stools) if you have either of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.
More Information for Gastritis
Tips to alleviate gastritis
- Stop smoking, as cigarettes as well as excess alcohol and caffeine can all damage your stomach lining and cause it to become inflamed.
- Avoid foods that are highly spiced or hard to digest. Foods that are greasy and high in fat should also be avoided.
- Limit the use of aspirin, as it tends to irritate the stomach lining. If possible, avoid taking any drugs that can further upset the stomach and try to use gentle remedies that do no harm.
- Try to cut back on eating solid foods for 24 hours if you are suffering with gastritis. This gives the stomach a chance to rest and recuperate and after a day of liquids only (herbal teas and water and NO carbonated beverages), slowly add mild, bland food such as bananas, rice and toast to your diet.