Throat Congestion

Help to clear mucus (phlegm) for the relief of coughing, soreness and throat congestion

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  1. What Causes Throat Congestion?
  2. Help for Throat Congestion
  3. More Information on Throat Congestion

What Causes Throat Congestion?

Throat congestion is a very common problem that affects both children and adults. A congested throat usually occurs when you have a cold or the flu, but other conditions may cause a buildup of phlegm, as well. The entire respiratory tract is coated with mucus to protect our airways and keep them moist. When healthy mucus from the lower parts of the respiratory tract — the lungs and bronchia — mixes with dead cells, bacteria and environmental pollutants, it thickens into what we call sputum or phlegm. This substance is not the same as saliva, which is produced only in the mouth. Excess sputum may be due to an infection in the back of the throat caused by tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, catarrh or streptococcal pharyngitis, aka strep throat. Throat congestion may also be associated with viral infections such as measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, croup or mononucleosis. Environmental factors like smoke, air pollution and chemical fumes may also contribute to thick or excessive mucus or phlegm in the throat. When any of these factors irritate the lungs and throat, more mucus is produced as protection. As more mucus is produced, the throat becomes congested, and the natural response is to cough to clear all that phlegm. Excessive coughing can be problematic, as well, though, so treating or managing excess phlegm is important1.

Help for Throat Congestion

The best treatment to help get rid of mild symptoms of a congested, sore throat that develops as a result of a cold or flu is to drink plenty of fluids such as water, juice or tea with honey. Noncaffeinated beverages will soothe while also keeping you hydrated, which is paramount if you develop a fever with your cold or flu. Gargling with warm salt water can help thin mucus in the throat and will also help soothe the scratchiness of a sore throat. Inhaling steam from a basin of hot water with some eucalyptus oil added is a good strategy for loosening phlegm and clearing mucus from the chest and throat, as is inhaling steam from a hot shower. Various over-the-counter or prescription medications may claim to offer pain relief, but they may be accompanied by side effects, so read the label and proceed with caution.

Natural herbal treatments can often offer excellent relief for excess phlegm and throat congestion. InstaClear Sinus Relief from Native Remedies offers a 100 percent herbal option to soothe your symptoms naturally. Really take control of your throat congestion problem with the Clear Sinus Combo Pack and let our 100 percent natural treatment relieve pressure, reduce pain and support clearer breathing with less congestion.

More Information on Throat Congestion

There are several things that you can do to prevent or reduce symptoms of a sore, congested throat while promoting an overall healthy lifestyle:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with warm water and soap
  • Eat a healthy, balanced meal that includes all the food groups to boost your immune system and prevent infections
  • Gargle daily with warm water and salt to soothe throat irritation, being sure to spit rather than swallow the saline
  • Inhale steam from a tub of boiling water or hot shower to relieve congestion and loosen phlegm and mucus in the throat
  • Drink vegetable and fruit juices and large amounts of water to re-hydrate the mucus membranes in the throat and keep it moist
  • Increase your intake of Vitamin C and bioflavonoids to boost your immune system
  • Do not share personal items such as toothbrushes, towels, eating utensils or drinking glasses, with others
  • Avoid heavily polluted and smoke-filled areas as much as possible
  • Consider using natural, homeopathic products such as Mucus-Clear™ for temporary relief from symptoms of throat congestion and excessive mucus.


The content provided is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have a health condition, please consult a medical professional and do not use this information to self-diagnose or self-treat.


1. Eldridge, Lynn, M.D. “What Causes the Amount of Sputum to Increase?” 16 November 2018. Accessed 21 January 2019.